This video covers Part 7: Customizing the Admin Site of section “Getting Started” from the Django Documentation.


00:00 – Intro
The Admin Site is one of the most interesting components of Django. It saves you plenty of time and works. Furthermore, the Admin Site provides almost everything to make your programming time joyful. Customizing the Admin Site is not that complicate as it sounds though. It actually just need a few codes and some tweaks to accomplish such tasks.


00:35 – Customize the Admin form
Although the Admin Site is a useful toolset, its default layout is just “basic” and needs enhancements. In this section, we are doing some simple coding to enhance such layout.

08:59 – Adding related objects
Our Questions model has a relationship with the Choice model. However, that relation is not yet showing on the Admin Site for any modifications or amendments. That’s what we are going to do here.

19:53 – Customize the admin change list

Overriding default templates

31:55 – Customize the admin look and feel
Throughout this step and its following steps we will learn the basic technique to override Django’s default templates. For a simple web-app like “Polls” it’s not necessary to do such thing. However, in case your project is a complicated one with various apps, it’s quite needed somehow.

36:20 – Organizing templates

38:50 – Where are the Django source files?
Please take your time to follow the step here. It’s useful to know where the source files are and how to find these.

47:30 – Customizing your application’s templates

49:17 – Customizing the admin index page

Completed the Tutorial

51:31 – What’s next?
The beginner’s tutorial ends here. What to do next is at your decision to make. The more practice the better learning and master the techniques.

1:41 – Thank you and see you in the next video.

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