This video covers Part 6: Static Files of section “Getting Started” from the Django Documentation.


00:00 – Intro
00:55 – What are static files?
02:55 – Customize your app’s look & feel
06:42 – Static File namespacing
08:03 – Working with static files
09:35 – Check how those work
10:43 – Adding a background image
16:52 – Thanks and see you in the next video

Why I didn’t write any detail descriptions for above steps?

Static files are equally important as Models, Views, Templates, URLs… Fortunately, the concepts & “how to” for Static Files setting, creating, maintaining are not hard to learn & understand. Therefore, reading the text from Tutorial 6: Static Files and watch my above video somehow is quite enough for beginners.

More on topic “Django Documentation, Getting Started”

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